Noelle turned 1 month old on June 20th. I took these pictures that day as well, I just didn't have time to post until today. Enjoy :)

And the crazy eyes.

Don't worry... although it looks like she's falling over in the next picture, she didn't.

OK lady. Enough already. You're making me upset with that flash!

Seriously. I'm going to cry.


Noelle is one month old already. I can't believe how quickly time flies... So far she does very little other than eat, poop and sleep. She's a very laid back baby and her cries are usually whines unless she's stuck in her carseat and we can't do anything about the situation.
She eats well, and we're working on the sleeping at night thing. She's usually good until about 4am or so. Then things are usually a little rough until 6, which makes for a tired Mommy when she gets big brother Brady.
For her to sleep well, however, she has to be swaddled. It calms her down immediately and she stops whacking herself in the head and scratching her face. Without the swaddle, her arms and legs are constantly in motion and all over the place.
She can hold her head up really well right now and loves her bouncer when she is awake. She also loves going for walks in a carrier - she almost immediately falls asleep, whether it's in the moby wrap, the Ergo or the sling. What she doesn't love: her swing. Go figure. She's also not always a fan of the pacifier, which in theory is good but when she won't fall back asleep at 4am but keeps spitting out her pacifier... well, that's a bit frustrating.
Like her brother, she got some baby acne around 2.5 weeks old. It's starting to get a little better now and although bad, was never as bad as what Brady had.
She MAY have started smiling yesterday. I can't figure out if it's gas or if she's actually smiling at me - either way, it should be happening a lot more and be really obvious soon.
She had her 1 month well visit today (the 22nd) and weighs 9lbs. 8oz and is 22 inches long. That puts her in the 50-75% for weight and 75% for height. I don't remember her head measurement but she is also in the 75% for that. Overall she's doing great.