Sunday, March 9, 2014

First Haircut

Nathan had his first haircut this weekend because his hair was always falling in his eyes and it's not socially acceptable to put a barrette in his hair.

He sat all by himself in the chair!

And then he got angry and cried the entire time

Happy it's over and he can taste a little bit of a lollipop

Handsome fella!

Pulaski Day

This was my last random day off with the kids for quite a while.

Noelle was terribly upset that Brady wanted to take a photo of her finished puzzle.

Nathan playing around and making goofy faces

Brady honing his photography skills

9 Months Old!!

Here are photos of Nathan on March 4, 2013.

Some with Brady, of course

And, by this time Nathan was DONE.

Brady and Noelle

His 9 month stats are as follows: 15lbs., 9.5 oz (2nd percentile), 28 inches long (37 percentile), and 18 inches head circumference (72nd percentile).  He's our long and lean peanut and following his own growth curve so no worries there.

He is sleeping about the same, although we have a pretty good routine as far as naps - the morning nap is usually between 830 and 9am and lasts about an hour and a half.  The afternoon nap starts somewhere between 12-1pm and lasts between an hour and an hour and a half.  Depending on that nap, which is still variable sometimes, there may be a third nap around 330-4 for 45 minutes.  You usually go to sleep around 630pm, wake once to eat around 2-3am, then wake up around 530 to start the day - I usually feed you around then and put you back down and 75% of the time you fall back asleep until 7 or so.

You still are breastfed or get bottles of breastmilk when you go to daycare and we now have three solid meals as well.  You eat oatmeal mixed with 2.5-3oz of breastmilk in the am, a 4oz container of pureed food or yogurt at lunch and another 4oz container of pureed food at dinner.  Until two days ago, you showed no interest in feeding yourself and would continually gag on regular food.  Just in the last two days, you will actually put a baby cracker in your mouth and chew on it a bit, sometimes eating a small amount and other times gagging on it so it's a work in progress.  You also are slowly starting to use a sippy cup to drink small amounts of water, though you much prefer to chuck the cup off your highchair most of the time.

You're not crawling, but you definitely pivot all around and try to move forward, though you don't get anywhere quite yet.  Lots of yelling and "talking" and screaming going on over here.  No new sounds but you jabber quite a bit, especially when you are really engaged in something.  You have your two bottom middle teeth all the way in, the top left one on the way and likely 2-3 more top teeth on their way in shortly.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Stir Crazy Fun

Lots of indoors time this winter... so we diaper stuffed animals and carry them everywhere.


Nathan Loves Water

Little man is a huge fan of bath time. Huge.

And a couple days after those photos, we started sitting in the bath tub... after way too many attempts to roll over in the bath tub and/or drink bath water