Saturday, September 11, 2010

10 Months Old

A little late with this post, but the photos were taken on the 7th.

He looks like such a little boy in this picture instead of a baby. Where has the time gone??!!

Brady has been up to quite a bit this month. He still has only his two bottom teeth, but he eats a lot more finger foods. He actually feeds himself quite well and likes chicken and salmon. His all time favorite food is yogurt of any kind and he also really likes string cheese and mum-mums (rice cake crackers for babies).

He is SUCH a fast little crawler now. And he cruises around holding onto the furniture. He has started to take his little table and push it forward while holding on to walk across the room. He also will purposely let go once he's standing and he can stand alone for maybe 5 seconds before he falls over.

About 90% of the time he sleeps through the night, and if he doesn't all we usually need to do is give him his pacifier and blankie and rub his head. He no longer eats in the middle of the night, which is huge for mommy. And he takes two good naps a day unless something unusual happens.

He still hates to use a sippy cup and just chews on it. We've tried at least 5 or 6 different kinds of cups, even straw ones but he really has zero interest. Getting rid of bottles in a couple months may be a challenge...

And apparently, he's a sensitive guy. Daycare has reported at least a few times now that when other kids are crying he crawls over to them and tries to comfort them. He also bounces the bouncer for the 2 month old in his room sometimes.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Lincoln Park Zoo

We went to the zoo for the first time this weekend. Brady had a good time but seemed more interested in checking out people rather than the animals.

I think this picture is so funny because Brady looks like a total snoop.

Sean lifted Brady on his shoulders so he could see some of the animals better. Brady thought it was the BEST thing ever. He kicked his legs, bounced and waved his hands at everyone who walked by. It was so, so funny.

Let's Go Irish

Brady was born at the beginning of November last year. Notre Dame had four football games left. They won ZERO of those games. So this past Saturday, we all put on our ND gear in the hopes of finally getting an ND victory. It worked and they won their first game of the season.

The cutest ND fan (obviously, I'm not biased ;)

Everything is a Toy

Chasing Hayley

Now that Brady's mobile, the animals aren't safe. Unfortunately for Brady, he has no sense of quiet or stealth so they can hear him coming and react accordingly.

Happy Birthday Daddy

We didn't do anything special but we all had a nice relaxing day together.