Thursday, January 16, 2014

7 Months Old!

Here are photos I took on January 4, 2014

Nathan's growing by leaps and bounds - starting with food, we started giving him oatmeal mixed with breastmilk right at 6 months and he gobbles it up like nobody's business.  We've also started feeding him other purees and he eats those, but with much less enthusiasm than the oatmeal.  At 7 months, we just started feeding him solid food twice a day.

He's started to get on a decent nap schedule - he takes an 1.5-2 hour morning nap, then an afternoon nap that is still pretty variable - ranging from 30 min to 1.5 hours.  Based on the length of that, he may take a third nap and he's down for the night around 630.  He still usually wakes up once to eat in the middle of the night (usually around 2-3am) and is up for the day anywhere between 6 and 7.  Overall, though, things are more predictable.

He talks and screeches all the time - his new phrase is dadadadadadada... of course. He loves to hang out on his changing table and he just recently started grabbing at his feet.  At just 7 months, he hasn't quite got sitting down, though he's getting super close to sitting by himself.  He also got his first tooth (bottom middle right) this month and we think the other bottom middle one is on the way.  He also has started having a very obvious preference for certain caregivers - namely mommy.  Whenever he sees me, he gets a huge grin and kicks his legs and waves his arms - he will also try to lunge out of the arms of whoever is holding him into my arms.  It's so, so cute.

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