Saturday, November 9, 2013

5 Months Old!!

Nathan turned 5 months old on November 4, 2013.  Here are photos we took of that day.

Nathan is OBSESSED with his fingers.

Smiles for Noelle :)

And Noelle decided that she wanted to be in some of the pictures

What's new this month?

Nathan is still drinking just breastmilk and eats about every 2.5 hours.  His night time sleep is glorious.  He falls asleep around 6-630pm and sleeps until somewhere between 3-5am, although he will occasionally sleep all the way through the night. He eats and then falls back asleep until 630-730am.  His naps are still very unpredictable but generally speaking he takes 3 naps (sometimes 4) and at home the morning nap is usually fairly long.

He loves his hands - he holds them together, sucks his fingers and stares at them all the time.  He is almost always on his belly when it's up to him and he is starting to like to look at things from a seated position, though he still needs a lot of assistance to sit at this point.  He will protest cry now if he's not happy with what's going on and it's hard to walk away from him after we put him somewhere because he does not like to be ignored, even for a minute.  He just started to recognize familiar faces so mommy, daddy, Brady and Noelle always get smiles.  And he gave up the pacifier on his own so we don't use that anymore.

Still in 3-6 month or 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.

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