Sunday, October 6, 2013

Four Months Old

Pictures from October 4, 2013

Nathan has had a lot of changes this month.  He's had a lot of colds... at this point, they don't seem to bother him but he almost always has a stuffy nose or a little cough.  He also started daycare on September 16.  So far he likes it and he actually tends to nap better there than at home.  Go figure.

He started rolling over from back to belly shortly after turning three months old.  He does it like it's his job and then gets angry because he still hasn't figured out how to roll back.  He is so good at rolling that way that he was doing it while swaddled and sleeping.  So we had to unswaddle him entirely at the same time.  He actually did great with unswaddling and has become a belly sleeper by choice.

He goes to bed around 6:30 and wakes up once or twice to eat in the middle of the night, but goes right back to sleep after being fed.  He's generally up for the day between 630 and 715, and 9 times out of 10 spends the entire night in his crib.  He also started sucking his thumb sometimes when he is falling asleep and doesn't really take the pacifier anymore unless he's desperate.  We usually get three naps out of him these days, although what time they start and how long they last is anyone's guess.

He talks a lot, smiles a ton and has even started giggling and occasionally laughing for us. He's also started to get some of the hair on the sides and back of his head back.  It still looks like he has a mohawk but it's getting a bit better. ;)

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