Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fun Before Daycare

We wanted to get a picture of Brady in his PJs Friday morning since his classroom had a special PJs day and he got to wear some Thomas pajamas that he was very excited about.  He would only let us take his picture if we also took pictures of Noelle. 

So here are the pictures of Brady

And here are the pictures of Noelle

Your photoshoot is boring.  With a capital B.

8 Months Old!

These are pictures of Noelle I took on 1.20.12

This chair upholstery is so interesting!

Oh and look at those feet!

So Noelle is 8 months old... not too much has changed, which is both good and bad ;)

On the sleeping front - at home she takes two 1.5-2 hour naps, goes to bed for the night between 615 and 700 and wakes up around 6-7am.  She still wakes up two times in the middle of the night to eat - around 1230 and 4ish.  The goal this month is to get her to one feeding overnight and to get her in Brady's room full-time. 

On the feeding front, she HATES all food.  Purees, crackers, puffs, regular food.  All of it.  She watches us eat with extreme interest but if you give it to her, she either gags on it or holds it in her mouth until it dribbles out.  Per doctor's suggestion, we are giving her a break for the next few weeks and then we'll try again with the goal of getting her on real food between 9-12 months.  Mommy has her fingers crossed because pumping after Noelle turns one is not on the work agenda. 

Development-wise, Noelle sits like a champ and will rock on her hands and knees if she's on carpet.  No crawling yet, but she can pivot and turn her body around.  She also LOVES to stand with assistance either from us or one of her toys.  She doesn't pull up to stand yet, but she definitely prefers to stand at least 50% of the time she's up.  She also has started to babble.  So far we've heard: gaga, baba, and dada.  Daycare says they've heard mama but we haven't yet.  She is really vocal now, growling and screeching all the time too. 

She also got her second ear infection and round of antibiotics shortly after the first one (at the end of December).  She hates medicine... But we've been medicine free for a few weeks now and fingers crossed we can avoid ear infections for the rest of the winter.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Noelle's Eating!?!? Sort of.

In the past two months, we've tried solid food with Noelle just about every day.  Saying she doesn't like pureed food is an understatement.  It doesn't matter if it's yogurt, fruit, veggies, with or without oatmeal mixed in or just oatmeal mixed with breastmilk.  She lets purees sit in her mouth until they dribble out.

So, we've started to give her regular food, hoping that is what she would rather eat.  She likes to suck on some little gerber cookies and she will sometimes tolerate a puff or goldfish, although she eventually gags on those without eating them.  Today I gave her a cheese stick to see what she would do with it.  She was totally digging the taste and even chewed and ate a bit of it.  Most of what she did bite off, she pushed out of her mouth, but this is the most excited I've seen her about food in two months.  Fingers crossed for more progress on the eating front. 

And Brady, of course, insisted I take his picture when he saw me taking pictures of Noelle.  Even though 99% of the time, he gets upset when we try to take his picture now. 

Whose Carseat is it?

Sean was taking Noelle to daycare on Monday and Brady had the day off with me.  Brady wanted to go outside when they left, so he tried to fit himself in Noelle's carseat.

Noelle Sitting Around

Noelle, too, enjoys Cookie.  Though she really just likes to chew on him.

Taking Cookie for a Ride

Brady has started to put Cookie Monster in his stroller and take him "shopping."

This is Brady "going to the store" - the bucket of play doh is his man bag ;)

The Chef

Brady loves playing with his kitchen.  Clothing optional.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Attempted Photo Shoot

I realize that we don't get a lot of pictures of family members with Brady.  I attempted to do so tonight since he was dressed in a nice outfit.  It didn't really work, even though I bribed him with snacks.  Such is the independence of a two-year-old.

My initial request to take a few photos was met with many tears.  Real tears.  Over photos.

This one was a photographer error.  Oops.

The rest... well we'll call these a combination of the Thornton gene that doesn't allow for one to take a good photo, and typical toddler unwillingness.

And here he is trying to torture one of their cats... needless to say the cats stayed pretty well out of reach for most of our visit.

Even I couldn't cajole him into a good picture...