Thursday, October 20, 2011

5 months old!!!

Pictures from today!

That darn flash gets her every time...

What I thought was a cute picture turned into an action shot of her spitting up... 

She's practicing being a zombie for Halloween ;)

Tickle time!

Ridiculous amount of hair...

My toes are so very interesting...

And finally a good shot!

So a lot has changed in the last month... let's see.  The most exciting thing, at least for me?  She is sleeping a ton better.  She eats once in the middle of the night (usually around 2am) and then most nights needs a little extra TLC somewhere between 10 and 12.  Other than that, no peeps and she spends the whole night in her pack n play next to our bed.  Naps are hit or miss, but we are starting to get a consistently long morning nap.  Other than that, the rest of the day is a crap shoot napwise.

Noelle still just gets breastmilk... we're waiting until she's 6 months to start solids like we did with Brady.

The other big thing Noelle learned to do is roll from her back to her tummy.  She does it all.the.time. and usually immediately once you put her on her back.  She also has figured out how to sort of turn herself around so she's facing different directions when she's on her stomach.  She has absolutely no interest in rolling from her belly to her back.  She is also getting more interested in sitting and can kind of, maybe hold herself up just a bit for a second or two.

She's also in love with holding toys, especially the monkey on her playmat.  She can transfer toys from one hand to the other.  She is also very aware of where everyone is in a room.  She recognizes our voices and will turn her head to try to find us when she hears us but cannot see us. 

She's also started belly laughing, although she's very selective about when she'll do this.  I've only been able to get her to laugh like that 2 or 3 times and I'm not sure Sean has been successful at all yet. 

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