I'm up to something... you just wait
I'll be crawling before you know it.
Brady turned 6 months old on Friday. Time has just flown by. As for what's been new this past month, as you can see from the pictures, Brady can sit alone. Not for a long time and not well enough that we can leave him alone, but he can do it for a minute or so without toppling over. And because he can sit, he prefers that to laying down and playing most of the time now. He has started to play with lots of new toys that really are much more fun to play with when you can sit. He babbles all the time - and screeches - and blows raspberries. He loves "petting" Hayley and Olive and they are pretty tolerant of him. He also loves taking walks outside. And mommy's favorite new first: on the eve of his 6 month birthday (and over to his 6 month birthday) he slept from 7pm-620am without waking up once for food or comfort. It was glorious and we are hoping to see much more of that in the near future. And we can see on the horizon the beginning of Brady being mobile. He rolls from his back to his belly then tries to scoot his legs and lift his arms. Right now, he doesn't get anywhere but he is clearly very interested in moving around. So much so that he gets upset when he can't get where he wants to go, lays his head down in defeat/disgust and cries. It's pretty funny. He also has started to differentiate mommy and daddy from other people. If someone he doesn't know as well tries to hold him/play with him before he's had a chance to get used to them he gets upset, sticks out his lower lip and cries. Because we know nothing is the matter, it's pretty funny to watch. We also had our 6 month check up this weekend and got his current stats: 26 inches long, 14lbs. 11oz. So he's about average in length and a peanut in weight. And we got the all clear to start all kinds of solid foods so that should be fun.
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