Monday, May 31, 2010

Toys Galore


We have a bit of a fenced-in front yard at our condo. Brady likes to hang out there and pull out the grass after a nice long walk in the stroller.

And the following pictures show the first signs of teething (though they don't show you the excessive drool Brady has been having lately).

First Beach Trip

We walked over to the beach that's about 1/2 mile from our house this weekend. We thought we would get a sense of whether Brady liked it or not. And if he didn't like it, we could just put him back in the stroller and head home.

Initially, Brady was enjoying himself.

My new favorite picture of Brady

My two favorite guys.

Not a huge fan of wet sand or super cold water either...

Daddy's cell phone is SO fun to play with

However, there's only so many things he's allowed to put in his mouth there so he got bored pretty quickly. So we were there for maybe a max of 45 minutes. No Michigan dunes for us this year. But we may check out the beach again on another weekend and see what Brady thinks since it's only a 10 minute walk.

Swinging at the Park

We took Brady to the park near our home last weekend. Brady didn't really know what to think about the swings.

Right now, he prefers to try to eat the swing...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Big Boy Baths

Because Brady is sitting up now, he likes to sit in his bath. He still needs a bit of help staying upright, but he gets angry if we take a bath any other way.

Eating his favorite bath toy, the star fish.

Getting ready to splash

Splashing after that star fish!

Who Needs Toys?

Brady was bored with his toys but seemed interested in our coffee table. So I stuck him on the ground and this is what he did for the next 10-15 minutes (which, by the way, is a long time for something to hold his attention).

Of course I should eat the newspaper. Who really reads the paper anymore anyway?

Magazines are also tasty.

He also enjoyed grabbing my leg...

Can I help you?