Smiles for mommy first thing in the morning.
Stretching out my legs! Look at those feet!
I love to stare at my feet. I can't wait until I figure out how to stuff them in my mouth.
Mommy made a sign saying I was 4 months old today, but then she accidentally cut it out of the picture.
Big smiles for daddy.
Working on sitting up on my own.
And I have tipped over.
Me and my doggy. I love to stick his feet in my mouth. Thanks for the gift Aunt Heather!
Brady is also starting to look at the animals more.
Some more tummy time
And finally, not to be left out, a picture of Hayley.
Brady is four months old today. So much has changed since last month. Brady started day care, and of course got his first cold. We are finally over that, but he gave it to mommy. We are also starting to get in a bit of a routine with day care so that's getting better. Brady loves to jibber jabber now! And he has started to roll onto his side like it's his job. He does it whenever he's on his back, and that includes when he goes to bed. Which has made for a couple of long weeks of sleepless nights. It's clear that Brady wants to sleep on his side, but his shoulder gets in the way. Then he wakes up angry. Then we have to help him get back to sleep. It's a vicious cycle, but it appears to finally be ending (fingers crossed). He is also super close to rolling from his back to his belly - right now he gets about 75% there, then gives up and ends up on his back. Brady is such a big boy now that he no longer sleeps swaddled at all. And that makes for funny times when he wakes up either from a nap or in the middle of the night because there are many times when he is in a completely different spot from the one we left him in when we put him down in his crib. Sometimes he's vertical, sometimes he's sideways and sometimes he's done a complete 180. Brady had his four month check up and he is doing great. He now weights 12 lbs., 12 oz and is 25 inches long. And if I'm being honest, even though I've had more sleepless nights than I can count and am thoroughly exhausted most days, the time has flown by and I cannot believe he's already 4 months old.
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