Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Getting So Big!

Noelle playing at the park with the big kids

And just taking some pictures by herself

Safe Sleep Practices?

Can you find the actual baby that Brady put to sleep in here?

Sesame Street Live!!

Brady and Noelle went to Sesame Street Live again this year.  They both had a blast, although Noelle got antsy by the end.

Goofy Noelle

Two winter hats, rain boots and a princess truck.  Always styling around here.

10 Months Old!

Here are photos we took on April 4th.

Of course, everyone wanted to take some sibling photos

And when Nathan got tired of the photos, he tried to eat the recliner.  Of course.

Nathan had a lot going on this past month.  He started to army crawl, though he isn't very fast and he doesn't attempt to go very far yet.  He got another ear infection this month and the antibiotics weren't great for his belly, but once that cleared up, we got a good thing going on sleep-wise.  He generally is asleep around 7pm and wakes up around 4-6 to eat once and maybe go back to sleep depending on whether it's closer to 4 or 6.  He takes two solid 1.5-2 hour naps (around 9 and around 1).

We hear a lot of screaming, screeching and dadadada, also combined with rarara, nananana, yayayayaya but still no mama.  I swear he's refusing to say it on purpose.

Food wise, he's still averse to many different textures, but we've branched out a little.  He will eat shredded cheese and pieces of rolls.  He doesn't self feed unless it's a cracker which is interesting and a bit odd. He still loves yogurt a lot.  Hopefully in the next month he'll really get the hang of eating so we can move past most of the purees.  And hopefully he will start to like some other textures a bit.