Monday, August 16, 2010

Beach Day with Grandma and Grandpa Gonzalez

First we played on the blanket

Grandma's so funny when she helps me clap my hands!

The sand looks VERY interesting...

Time for a snack. Mum-mums are tasty! Why you guys never gave these to me before I do not know.

Then we checked out the water. It was CHILLY.

Maybe the water isn't so scary after all

And then we braved the water with daddy.

Hanging with Grandma and Grandpa

And then we played in the sand by the water

The sand feels weird!

About 5 seconds after I took this photo, he face planted in the sand. It was pretty funny.

This is one of my favorites from the day!

Fun Before Bath Time

Mommy, that camera looks so interesting. Why don't you hand it over? I know I just ate and am still messy, but I promise I won't eat it. Really.

Brady does this funny thing where he squints his eyes when you first point the camera at him. These next pictures were my attempts to get that on camera.

Standing on EVERYTHING now.

I know it looks like he's not holding on at all, but he has one hand wrapped around the handle to the drawer.

Standing was SO fun. Let's try on something else!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Look What I Can Do!!!

Dinner time!

Yes, I know there's hummus on my nose. That's the way I like it, mommy.

And you know what? It's fun to rub hummus on my eyes and hair too!