Wednesday, January 27, 2010

For the Sake of New PJs

With some cute new PJ's and his newfound ability to sit and hold his head up, at least with the help of a chair, here are some cute shots.

He has also discovered his hands and feet...

Bonding with Daddy

We try to be sneaky and have Brady do tummy time on our chests. He's apparently figured us out and just snuggles instead.

Brady's Stuffed Animals

Brady recently has started loving stuffed animals. You show him a stuffed animal and he smiles and talks to it. Probably more than he smiles and talks to us.

Brady's favorite is his blue bear.

Not only does he love to talk to this bear, he has started trying to eat him...

Because he likes the bear so much, we showed him many of his other stuffed animals. And Sean decided to have a "fireside chats" photo session one evening.

Again, the blue bear is Brady's favorite.

At first we were a bit unsure about the lion, who we have named Leroy.

But then we caught the biggest smile...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Must Get Penguin

For those that don't know, Brady got a bouncer for Christmas from Aunt Heather. He has since become obsessed with the penguin. He likes the turtle and whale ok but he truly loves the penguin.

Random Cuteness (again)

Morning time

Why am I looking at a camera instead of your face, dad?
Although Brady is an early bird and rarely sleeps past 6 or 630 in the morning, his morning smiles make us forget how sleep-deprived we really are.

Just for Daddy

Dad came home the other night and Brady was all decked out in his Browns gear. However, Brady wanted to have a serious discussion with dad about his choice of NFL teams. Topics included:

Why am I wearing this?
Isn't there a better team to root for?

Where is my Bears outfit?

Tummy Time...

Add ImageTummy time started out ok..And then things went downhill quickly.

As of late, however, Brady has tolerated and, dare I say it, enjoyed tummy time on occasion. Here's the proof:

And especially after he found his fist to suck on:

Two Month Shots

Brady had his two month shots a week or so ago - they were worse for mom and dad than for him we think. Here's how he was when we got home:
And here's how he spent the rest of the day. And while this seemed good at the time, he spent most of the night fussy and cranky.

And in case you're wondering about his stats: he weighed in at 10 pounds, 12 ounces and was 23 inches long. That means that he's jumped to the 50 %tile for length (who would have guessed) and is still steady in the 25%time for weight. Also, because he's so long, he has outgrown most of his 0-3 footed PJs and onesies - his pants are still fine so we are guessing it's mainly his torso that's long.

The Changing Table

One of Brady's favorite places is the changing table... it's where he kicks off diapers, occasionally pees on mom or dad and has pooped twice while sans diaper (those were both in dad's care). He seriously enjoys "talking" to us there and kicking and lifting his butt while we attempt a speedy diaper change.

Hayley Wants Some Attention

Last night Hayley decided that we weren't paying enough attention to her so she decided to lay in a plastic bag to see if we would make sure she didn't suffocate. Obviously we chose to take some pictures first, but she's fine and the plastic bag is gone in case you were worried.

Hayley wants in on the Brady action. In addition to sleeping here, she spends time sleeping on the changing table and in the stroller in the closet...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Two Months Old!

If you can tell, these socks actually have the pattern of a sneaker on them. SO SO cute - and they stay on his feet!

Brady is two months old and is doing some pretty cool stuff. He smiles at us all the time, sometimes even an ear to ear grin. Those are usually reserved for when he first wakes up in the morning and is the happiest. He also seems to be laughing just a bit sometimes. Although he doesn't seem to have discovered his hands and feet, he has been batting at the toys on his playmat with surprising accuracy. He also makes many many attempts to suck his thumb but usually only ends on sucking on his fist for a second before getting frustrated. He can follow our faces or toys from left to right and up and down. He also lifts his head like a champ - when he gets really frustrated he kicks his legs at the same time and it appears as those he may roll over soon if that continues. Also, and I didn't see it so I'm not sure how it happened, but one minute he was on his back in his crib and the next he was on his side. He didn't make it any farther, but it was pretty cool to see.